Friday, June 6, 2008

De Guatemala

So. I'm in Guatemala. I'm here to do the Lord's will. I'm at an orphanage called New Life Children's Home that has 52 kids and an incredible ability to help their lives become something worthwhile. It also has a school that over 400 kids attend and a clinic that provides services to the community for little to no money. Its an incredible thriving community. And how I fit into it? Mmm, I mostly make funny faces and weird noises right now till I get the Spanish thing down a little better. On Sunday three other interns and I take off for two weeks of language school which, good Lord willing, will vastly improve my speekin' skeelz. It's ok though, because I make really good faces. Anyway, I'm here to do the Lord's will.

Guatemala is an interesting place. Breathtaking beauty walks down the street hand in hand with abject poverty. Hundreds of thousands of people live in ramshackle housing thrown all over the sides of tired hills struggling to cope with the burden of their lives. When mother nature gets violent, people die. Mudslides are a common occurrence that routinely kill thousands of people at a time. The government, of course, is too preoccupied with their own internal power struggles and schemes of killing their next political opponent to worry about the lives of a few million people. Organized crime and gangs are prevalent. I don't get to walk down the street to the store because I'm white, which obviously implies I have money, and an easy target. Though, for all its problems, Guatemala is enchanting. God's working here; it's become obvious to me he speaks Spanish well. I get to be some small part of that work. So yeah, I'm here to do the Lord's will.

On a similar note, I ate some sort of chicken casserole today that was held together by solid mayonnaise. Seriously, it was like a glue. It could have turned into an arts and crafts project had I brought glitter. Luckily, even though I hate mayonnaise, I hate glitter more so I was happy when it didn't turn into an arts and crafts project. Going off that segue, I'm going to post pictures of this soon as I take them. One day I'm going to use my camera, I won't promise it will be soon, but one day.


Anonymous said...

glitter is the herpes of arts and crafts

linley said...

Sounds like you're off to a good start! I'm so glad you're blogging!

Anonymous said...

okay zo, you're the only blogger i read (take that Linley, and Mark Holwerda) so keep up the good work!

Anonymous said...

haha mark you're awesome. if its any comfort, i don't know spanish either! and i'm in spain...? so maybe i'll learn it one day.

plugthatbutt said...

You should talk to Sam G. That kid loves his mayonnaise.

Hey I'm starting a blog too! Check out my page:

TedZ said...

Great blog, Mark. ...and eat your mayo! (and do the Lord's work!)

Auntie M said...

Hi, Mark - your parents passed along your blog to me - what a great adventure! The Spanish will come quickly since you cannot communicate any other way - obviously faces won't always work! We are proud of you.

Anonymous said...

Markimus. I wanted to share my love for you, but I couldn't find a way to message you through this privately so I will be reserved. I am thankful that you shared your initial experience. Know that I will be praying that God move through your heart that you might love and enjoy him through pouring yourself out for others, and that he move through you mind that you might acquire language with such expediency so as to pour forth the water of everlasting life from your mouth.

Remember. You are a clay pot (2 Cor 4:3-7).

Anonymous said...

soak it up. it doesnt last as long as you will like.

and watch out for the plantains. they're not too bad with cream and sugar, but not really good either.

let us know who your teacher is at language school. i had rita.