Wednesday, June 18, 2008


So, I don't really have much to say today. I've been putting in 8 hours at the escuela (as opposed to the normal 4) because one of my fellow interns was sick for a couple days and was unable to use the hours she payed for. I, naturally, am mooching off of her unused hours for more time at the school. It was a good thing, I think it helped. 8 hours is a long time to do anything, however, but it was worth it. I now know 6 tenses and have been introduced to the compound it will soon be like 10. 10 tenses is a lot. I suck at all of them. But it'll get better. Poco a poco como mi maestra dice.

Anyway with all the school, my mind has been thinking about nothing but Spanish and its hard to think of entertaining or deep blog material when I can hardly tell someone how old I am or what my favorite animal is...

Segue. I did want to update those concerned about the Loro situation. We have been getting along better. He does, however, still let out this moan when he wakes up. Our house dad told us he one time ripped off the beak of a smaller bird they had, so its possible the sound could be an imitation of his latest victims dieing scream. He's not very nice evidently but I like him. I took some pictures. If he looks evil, its because he is. I couldn't get too close because I would like my nose to stay on my face, but we are friends, really.

We return to the home de ninos Friday. I'm ready to take a few days off of school and help some people. Best kind of education there is.


Anonymous said...

loro esta loco? lo siento.

pero yo se que vida de Mark esta bien.

que te diviertas!

Anonymous said...

Marklet! We thought this was an INACTIVE volcano! You forgot to mention that you were walking on hot lava. We hope the hair on your leg will quickly grow back, as we know hairy legs are very important to you! Kisses.

Scott said...

I said "pick your poison" to Nick in reference to the selection of some nail clippers the other day. I miss you dearly and am praying that the Lord is using you as an instrument to accomplish great things for His glory this summer.

Te quiero.