Wednesday, June 11, 2008


So I'm in language school. Aprendo espanol. I learn Spanish. It's in a town called Antigua which is a about 45 minutes away from the language school. Its snuggled up right next to a dormant (I think) volcano ironically called Agua. I'm here for two weeks and then I'm thrown back into hustle and bustle of a thriving underprivileged children's home. These two weeks are muy importante because my ability to help and affect these kids lives seems to hinge on the all important communication barrier. All I need to be is proficient enough to talk to a 10 year old and I'll be great. It seems like a long way off. I'm working hard though, it'll happen.

I've been thinking that its weird that there is all this stuff that must be taken care of before going about the business of the Lord's will. Then I thought, well gee , I suppose this is the business of the Lord's will. I'm here to affect some kids, I thought, but it turns out I'm here to serve wherever I am with whatever I am doing. The Lord is constantly about going ten thousand miles an hour, he can be praised in the tranquil as well as the busy. This time of chilling (by chilling I mean studying Spanish for 6 hours a day) is my preparation, my 40 days of fasting before my ordained time of ministry. Except a little Guatemalan woman serves me food and the devil only makes fun of how I speak Spanish. But...He won't give me more than I can handle, ya? No se, pero I'll praise him even while learning language.

Three of my fellow interns and I are all staying in a house together. Its a quaint little Guatemalan casa. Its like half outdoors. Theres an office, 4 bedrooms, and a kitchen that surround a little outdoor courtyard with a drain in the middle because it rains everyday. So, I walk out of my bedroom, and I'm outside. In the kitchen there is a table with a piece of glass as its tablecloth. In the morning the sun reflects off it and I can see all the scratches from the glass plates that we eat with. I feel sad for the poor table. I'm real careful with anything I pick up because the table...cries out in pain every time I set anything down. I swear its going to shatter after I take a drink one day. There is also a parrot that lives right outside my room. He doesn't have a cage, he just chills in the house, which is actually outside. He likes to yell. He's woken me up twice by yelling. There is a little 11 year old boy that lives in the house and when I first was woken up by the yelling I thought it was the kid right outside my door. I was going to get up and say stern things in English to him, but then I realized the yelling was coming from my roof. I asked the parrot today to stop yelling. We'll be friends eventually.

Anyway I don't really have access to the internet at mi casa and I'm writing this post in the biblioteca at my school. If its a little disjointed I apologize. But yes, life is good in here. I've got 9 more days to become comparable to a 10 year old. Oh and I've taken pictures. One day I'll post them...sorry mom and dad.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We do what we have to do so we can do what we want to do.

Keep serving the Lord in all circumstances because like you said, the Lord can be praised in the tranquil as well as the busy.

I'm praying for you man.


P.S.- I stopped my blog, lol.