Monday, June 30, 2008


So today I sprinted.

That's not really something noteworthy until you consider the fact that its been almost 9 weeks since I was able to run. My ankle had started to get much better over the past week and I started kind of jogging 4 days ago. It's incredible. On an obscurely related note, its been impressive how much my Spanish has improved since returning from language school. Whereas before I could not even participate in a conversation, now I can understand a lot of what people say and respond halfway intelligently. But...I'm actually trying to have a conversation in Spanish right now with a guy and I realize I speak like I'm seven. But at least I'm speaking.

So all that was to say that God's been good. He's answered prayer. I asked some people so specifically pray for the ankle and lo and behold what happened. I also have been telling people to pray for the language barrier. It impressed me how fast I picked up what I was learning in language school. So really all that was to say thank you for the prayers. I know a lot of you have taken a few minutes to talk about me with God. It's helped in a practical way. I really do appreciate it in more ways than just being able to run. It's helped me further understand what it is to say God is good.

Story of the week: We have a garden at the home that has a tree with edible leaves. I was, uh, peer pressured into eating a leaf straight off the tree. Its a well known rule of thumb here that all fruits should be washed by a disinfectant to kill the maladies on the outside. I figured that didn't apply to edible leaves. Wrong. I got parasites. In my intestines. I had the skitters. It only lasted a day, but it was an epic day. Now that it's all over, I'm still kind of glad I did it. I liked the leaf, it tasted like zesty lettuce.


Anonymous said...

grossssssss about the leaves, Praise the Lord for answered prayers :)

Scott said...

Bahaha gross...

But I'm glad you're on your ankle again. Take care of yourself. :)

Anonymous said...

Hopefully the leaves experience made up for not chasing down that magma.

Anonymous said...

p.s. that anonymous comment was by me.


Anonymous said...

Well that post leaves me with only one conclusion.. puns are fun.

(I'm sorry I had to, I thought kaiser was going to and when he didn't I stepped in and did the right thing)