Friday, July 18, 2008


So tonight was a special night. We had a worship night for the kids that involved singing, guitars, and me speaking words. It just so happened that the Lord had given me some words to speak and it just so happened that those words had to be in Spanish. The idea was to have a night where the kids could chill and worship a little bit and then a fellow intern, Jessica, spoke on how to worship and I gave a bit of my testimony. For whatever reason I felt the need write it and translate it myself in Spanish. I thought it would be more meaningful and I could use my expert voice inflections to transcend my linguistic inadequacies. The testimony itself turned out to be two and a half pages typed which I then translated with the sweat and blood from my own hands. It turned out to be quite an endeavor. I had our fearless leaders Kendon and Lee help me with refining it. It wasn’t translated badly. But it wasn’t good. Feo was the word I used to describe it in Spanish.

Nonetheless, I delivered it tonight. Read the whole thing in Spanish, expert voice inflections and all. I used my testimony as a spring board of growing up in a Christian home as a segue into the need for the ability to translate what you know in your mind to become real in your life. And this, I argued, was life’s purpose: The translation of thought to experience and in so doing enhancing perception of reality which allows for more vibrant thought and the pattern to recycle. Life allows what you think about to become what you experience which in turn makes the about more like the experience. Then, thinks I, if we can find the greatest possible thing to think about it should follow that the greatest possible use of time would be to experience the about and so enhance it. What greater thing is there than God? How easy is it to stop at thinking about God? We read our Bibles, pray, go to church, answer questions, use words that only fellow thinker-abouters understand. Its when the things we know of God are translated into real life that we can make progress. Obedience. Turning what we say into what we do. And in doing we are experiencing, and in experiencing we are refining our perception. New perception repaints who we are to add layer upon layer of coloring to the picture of our world that we thought we understood long ago. This is where true growth comes from and this is what I would call the Christian walk. Pretty soon we take a step back and find that, in the picture of Jesus we are showing to the world, the coloring of our life matches the shade of His hair or the hue of His eye or the texture of His cheek. And we find that we are one perfectly placed brush stroke in the masterpiece of our Lord.

Yeh, so I didn’t quite say it like that. In Spanish it more sounded like, “Jesus love me and I like God. We need obey. Want it purpose of God.” But that was mas o menos it (athought I’d say more menos than mas).

I ask that you pray for how this message fell with the kids. I have a tendency to think really big when I speak and so pray that they understood what they needed to. Pray that God would show them how to live life.

Revelation: I realized what my love language was today. Acts of valor. Killing dragons or orcs, flying, being able to wield a hammer really well and rights of passage into manhood fall under this category. This explains why I like Lord of the Rings. This also explains my lack of girlfriend.


Anonymous said...

i like this...reminds me of you...

especially the end...because i already knew that was your love language. just because you love by wielding a hammer and/or striking furiously with a bamboo stick, does not disqualify you from the relm of girls, just the relm of normal girls.

but i promise you that whichever girl that you choose and/or chooses you and/or you pick from the large pool of possibilities, she will also love that you would kill an orc with a hammer while flying through another right of passage into manhood, for her! and that automatically takes her out of the relm of normal...

--Holli said...


It blesses the Lord what you are doing. I learned a few weeks ago that when I want to say that I'm proud of you or that Its awesome what you are doing, I mean that you bless the Lord and me. So, as weird as it might sounds, that's what I'm going to say.

I am glad you translated it yourself. I think it honors the Lord when we don't take the "free translation" route.

I am praying the kids heard your heart and your message instead of just your words. I pray they see Jesus and your love of orc fighting and learn to be like you as you strive to be like Jesus (like Paul in 2 Timothy speaks of).


EmilyBromley said...

Quieres comprar un pato?

Austin said...

well after all this im pretty sure you are going to take up an unfair amount of personal time during t-time lol! CANT WAIT